ArtTable’s 2018 Annual Benefit

ArtTable’s 25th Annual Benefit and Award Ceremony held in New York on April 26, 2018, honored Marian Goodman with the 2018 Distinguished Service to the Visual Arts Award and recognized Naima J. Keith with the 2018. New Leadership Award. Dr. Johnetta Betsch Cole, Director Emerita, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art; President Emerita, Spelman College and Bennett College gave the Keynote Address.

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Highlights from ArtTable’s 2018 Annual Benefit & Award Ceremony.

About the Honorees

Distinguished Service to the Visual Arts Awardee

Marian Goodman is owner of the Marian Goodman Gallery, a contemporary art gallery opened in Manhattan, New York in 1977. Goodman has been called one of the most respected and influential gallerists of contemporary art in the world. She is known for introducing European artists like Gerhard Richter, Joseph Beuys, and Marcel Broodthaers to the United States and has represented a number of artists including Steve McQueen, Thomas Struth, Pierre Huyghe, Thomas Schütte, Lothar Baumgarten, Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon, Tacita Dean, Christian Boltanski, Annette Messager, Chantal Akerman, Niele Toroni, Gabriel Orozco, Maurizio Cattelan, Giuseppe Penone, Giovanni Anselmo, Jeff Wall, Rineke Dijkstra, and William Kentridge. Marian Goodman gained prominence in the art world in the 1970s and 1980s, a time when few women worked in this sector. 

New Leadership Awardee

Naima J. Keith is the Vice President of Education and Public Programs at LACMA. Within her role, she oversees all aspects of and sets the vision for LACMA’s innovative and exhibition-driven educational programming that serves more than 650,000 community members annually. Under her purview, LACMA has constructed strategic goals and launched initiatives to successfully pivot to virtual programming throughout the 2020 pandemic. Keith leads 20 staff members, 60 freelance educators and interns, and 200 volunteer docents.

About the Speaker

Dr. Johnnetta Betsch Cole is an anthropologist, educator, museum director, and college president. Cole was the first female African-American president of Spelman College, a historically black college, serving from 1987 to 1997. She was president of Bennett College from 2002 to 2007. During 2009–2017 she was Director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African Art. Cole served as the national chair and 7th president for the National Council of Negro Women from 2018 to 2022.

Media Coverage

March 15, 2018

ArtTable’s 25th Annual Ceremony Honors Marian Goodman and Naima J. Keith

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